Sunday, February 21, 2010

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones / R.A. Salvatore

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

(category: FanSci... My own category: pure fantasy dressed up as science fiction)
a book of the Star Wars franchise by

R.A. Salvatore

published by Century in 2002, read in November 2009

Agamedes' opinion: 2 out of 10

Well, I managed to get about one third of the way through this awful book. I wonder if Salvatore is embarrassed by it? First, there's the assassin: How did she plant a bomb on the landing pad? No explanation. Why did she send a killer drone -- then get it to return directly to her, leading the heroes? Stupidity, I guess. Why was a big thing made of her shape-changing when it did nothing for her? Essential use of CGI, I guess. Then there's the Jedi knights: At least one of them can leap into a lift well and use the Force to stop himself falling. So why is his Jedi master so afraid of falling? Obiwan can detect an attack from behind in a crowded bar. So why does he not notice an armoured assassin in the empty street? Forget the awful appearance of Jar Jar Binks, that was mercifully brief, just enough to rekindle sales of Binks stuffed toys. What stopped me reading any further was the car chase... It was pure Mickey Mouse: ridiculous overuse of near misses, special effects and just-missing-the-heroes explosions. It's all the penalty an author pays, for writing a novel based on a very childish movie.

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