Friday, February 12, 2010

Reunion / Alan Dean Foster



Alan Dean Foster

published by Del Rey in 2001
read by Agamedes in June 2009
science fiction
book 7 of Pip & Flinx

First, it’s hard to read because the author has swallowed a dictionary and is coughing up long words and pretentious phrases. Then there’s the space given over to predicting how badly this could turn out, or how the hero could do this thing... but he won’t. Pip & Flinx began -- I think -- as the adventures of a young lad with exceptional mind powers. Sure, the powers fail unexpectedly – unexpectedly except that you can expect them to fail whenever they are really required. As the series progresses there is more and more of Flinx discovering where he came from. This book, Reunion, is almost entirely that voyage of discovery: there is no other plot worth mentioning. And, since he discovers very little at all, the book offers very little of interest. A chapter in the life of Flinx, perhaps. As a book in its own right, a waste of printed paper.

Agamedes' rating: 3 out of 10

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