Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blood / Tony Shillitoe


(category: fantasy)
book 1 of Ashuak Chronicles by

Tony Shillitoe

published by HarperCollins in 2002
Nick read a library book, in January 2010

Nick's rating: 7 out of 10

Nick's opinion:

An enjoyable book though a little violent. Well, quite a lot, violent. Sword and sorcery with the emphasis on sword. Still... the overall theme is, that niceness and non-violence is better and -- possibly by the end of book 3 -- niceness and non-violence will have won. The hero is staunch, skilled and lucky. As he demonstrates his essential niceness, potential enemies become his friends. Good, cliched fun. One very good point: the chapter introductions -- the few words, not part of the story, at the start of each chapter -- are actually relevant! Another good point: yet another Australian fantasy author.


These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.

For an independent and thoughtful review of your own documents,
email nick leth at gmail dot com.

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