Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Return of Santiago / Mike Resnick

The Return of Santiago

(category: science fiction)
a sequel? by

Mike Resnick

published by Tor / Tom Doherty, New York in 2003, read in November 2009

Agamedes' opinion: 7 out of 10

The first thing that struck me was the style of the book: short snappy chapters, simplistic action, people come and go or die. Then I realised, this is "a myth of the far future" and in true mythological style, there are short simplistic adventures based on rumour and invention. Then the plot started to build into a more coherent whole. Sure, people who needed to be killed would be killed very easily and conveniently. But the overall story was solid and enjoyable and the surviving characters were likeable. Read quickly through the first few chapters -- just to see the overall thread begin to appear -- and enjoy a rollicking good myth set in the Wild West of the far distant future.

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting. For an independent and thoughtful review of your own documents, email nick leth at gmail dot com.

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