Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Good Guy / Dean R. Koontz

The Good Guy

(category: thriller)

Dean R. Koontz

published by HarperCollins in 2007, read in September 2009

Agamedes' rating: 8 out of 10

Agamedes' opinion:

This is Koontz just starting to turn to optimistic mysticism... Makes me think of Doc Smith’s Lensmen: There are cold, evil baddies with secret organisations ruling the world by stealth. Then there is the good guy, with his heroic friends and -- very Lensmanish -- his heroic family. The evil guy -- chief visible villain -- kills for pleasure. He remembers gruesome rapes and murders and coldly killed complete strangers. Within a few chapters, though, I realised that he would never harm the main characters, so I could relax and enjoy the read. The theme of the book is, that this is a wonderful world (mostly in the good ol’ USA) with just one group trying to gain control by making us believe that we are under all sorts of threats. Yet the “wonderful world” idea is totally contradicted by the existence of the villains! Perhaps the chief villain’s idea that he himself came from “somewhere else” is meant to be true? His evil comes from his “mirror world” origins, just as Doc Smith’s Lensmen universe evil is from Eddore...? Either a positive message of hope, or thrilling escapism...

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