Monday, August 15, 2022

Blue Moon, Lee Child

Blue Moon
(Jack Reacher#24
by Lee Child


copyright 2019
read in August 2022

rated 7/10: well worth reading

The hero just happens to be in town He helps an old couple and ends up fighting two evil gangs. Just protecting the old couple. Lone Ranger style... Who was that masked man :-?

Reacher is tough. He is also violent -- in response to the violence of the gangs. One of him, hundreds of them. They don't stand a chance.
There's a lot of violence and a lot more references to past violence. So over-the-top that, like cartoon violence it is too unreal to upset the reader.
Reacher is a goodie, he fights for right. Especially for the right to an American life free from threats and violence. There is strong support for the strength and value of American military.

The crime gangs are evil and brutish. Also easy to spot. Each gang has its signature suit, signature gun, signature car. They are also rather stupid. Each gang leader spends a lot of time in clever analysis of the situation. All completely wrong.

Ridiculous violence, yes. I'd now be nervous of men in snappy suits and big cars.
It's a lot of fun.

I'm told that Tom cruise bought the rights, made the movies, starred as Jack Reacher. I guess Cruise was trying to build his own tough-guy image. Reacher is plain (possibly ugly), over-height, overweight and dresses like a slob.
Thinking of a short, slender pretty-boy playing the part... well.. It says a lot for the Cruise acting skills :-)

The book has a lot of extreme violence. To me that's fine -- in a book.
In a movie, well, I wonder if there are slo-mo close-ups of blood and gore. I hope I'm wrong. But I shall avoid the movies, just in case.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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