Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Godwhale / T.J. Bass

The Godwhale
by T.J. Bass

science fiction

copyright 1974
read in October 2015

rated 7/10: well worth reading

I read this as a "SF Masterworks" reprint. It's a near-classic, I guess. "Shortlisted for the Nebula awards." Interesting...

At the start, I'm reading it thinking, What ?! This book was shortlisted for an award ?! Then it grew on me.

The book starts with an introduction to, "Larry Dever, Hemihuman." This character is a link to a previous book, he carries on throughout this book... I'm not sure that it was worth it. He adds a perspective from the "past", which is still our future. Oh well, once the Godwhale story actually starts, the story improves.

Although... Larry does provide an introduction to the medical marvels which are central to the story. And they are marvels ! Pop in this part, replace that part...

In Larry's "present", medical marvels are free, provided as needed. In his "future", medical marvels are used -- provided or withheld -- as a means of controlling the population... Controlling population numbers and as bribes or threats to control individual actions. In the overcrowded Hive, life is cheap.

An empty seat means more food for the living...

Overpopulation is a central theme of the book. Destruction of the environment due to the demands of overpopulation. How much better life could be with less people and a healthy outdoor life... supported by good technology, anyway :-)

So there are solid themes. Solid, classic, science fiction themes. Supported by the classic science fiction bad writing...

The words are okay. The sentences are entertaining. Paragraphs flow. Groups of paragraphs... jump.

Overall, it makes sense. But there are gaps. A paragraph ends, the next starts -- and I'm wondering, What's happening ? Where and when are we now ?!

Still, it all makes sense... eventually. And, ultimately, it's very enjoyable. Jumpy, good themes, quite fun.

Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the friends to post my bail when I finally snap!

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