Friday, October 2, 2015

Kraken / China Mieville

by China Mieville


copyright 2010
read, in part, in September 2015

rated 4/10: bad but could be read

I started reading this book a few months ago. It is boring and stupid with an unlikeable main character. I gave up.

I started reading again. Something messed up my reader and I found that I was somewhere well into the book... Well past where I stopped reading. As far as I can tell, it's a completely different book... It took me a while to convince myself that at least one character appears at both places in the book.

So I went back, to fill in the gap...

And found that I just couldn't be bothered reading it.

A web search revealed a review which claimed that Kraken captured the spirit of London. It doesn't. Perhaps if you live in that part of London ? I have read books which really do capture the spirit -- well enough that the reader who has never visited London will want to visit. Kraken could be set anywhere.

Would you like to read a book which really does evoke the spirit of London -- and in a positive way ? Try one of the Rivers of London books by Ben Aaronovitch.

The same review suggested that Kraken is funny. Wrong. Unless you like to laugh at sarcastic statements of what may be true.

Yes, you could read it.

It's just not worth the effort.

"I ink therefore I am." The Existential Squid

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