Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Order War, L E Modesitt Jr

The Order War
(part of Recluce saga)
by L E Modesitt Jr
fantasy, fansonly
copyright 1995
part read in April 2022

rated 5/10: readable but only if there's nothing else

NB 13apr22: I checked Wikipedia. It seems that something does happen... eventually. A character follows his cliché to find -- at the last minute, probably -- that his magic is far stronger than expected. With this sudden discovery of his super-magic he is able to save the world, or whatever.
So I shall read more. It's hard to follow but easy enough to read, just tedious.
If I manage to finish the book, I shall add a note at the end of this review.

Okay, this book is somewhere in the middle of a saga. If you have read several preceding books, you may know what is going on.
From this book, all we know is that several people have been sent from one country to another. There are hints -- only hints -- that they are there to provide military aid. That may be true. Certainly, once they arrive they begin to build rockets.

Before whey get there though, they eat several meals, each described in tedious detail. They also do some metal-working, also described in boring detail. Well, "described" is too strong a word for it. Words are thrown round with no explanation. For example, they do some "rough fullering". Oh yeah? Oh, and the metalwork seems to require magic but there is mention of magic being used.

I managed to read 90 pages in the hope that something would happen. Other than eating meals... nothing. Unless you find interest in occasional stick-fighting.

This book is fantasy and fansonly: only suited to fans of the Recluce saga. If you are a fan, well... you have my sympathy.
I tried to read more. It is still tedious. I give up. I stop reading. Enough :-(
Or possibly too much.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Gone to lunch. If not back by 5, Gone to dinner." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at https://notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com/ :-)

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