Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rejoice / Steven Erikson

Rejoice, a Knife to the Heart
by Steven Erikson

science fiction, dystopia

copyright 2018
read (too much of) November 2019

rated 3/10: so bad it's embarrassing

This is not a novel. It is a one-eyed hate-filled doom-is-upon-us manifesto. Sure, I can agree that humans are destroying the Earth. Yet I don't appreciate being hammered with unthinking hatred of one group -- and equally ignorant boot-licking of others.

The US president swears, lies, cheats and covers up the obvious evidence. The Chinese president says, Looks like a five-year plan to me, and becomes an alien follower. The Russian president says, Oh gosh, thank goodness we won't have to fight anymore, and rides off on his horse.

The company designing electric cars is run by saints, with no interest in profits, just in saving the world. Newspapers are evil, the internet is here to save us. (Ever heard of Facebook?) Science fiction writers are saintly geniuses, able to counteract the evils of newspapers. (Ever read any Heinlein?)

Quarter of rhe way through this rot and I skipped to the final chapters. It seems that if you can't hit someone then you will love them. If we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, everyone will become well-fed and healthy. I must have missed the chapter where all the cows are killed and everyone pitches in to grow enough lentils for all.

In my opinion: a load of rubbish.

===     Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
             Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"It's no use having a good memory if you have no good memories." … per Ginger Meggs"

dying for you to read my blog: :-)

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