Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to Stop Time / Matt Haig

How to Stop Time
by Matt Haig


copyright 2017
part read in February 2018

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

This is a sweet book, a romance, examining the dark side of being near-immortal in a world of mortals. Of staying young for centuries while all other people -- including those you love -- grow old and die. You know, like Highlander. With the added threat that you could be burnt at the stake for being an immortal witch.

There also appears to be an organisation -- or possibly an individual -- who kills any normal person who recognises that there are immortals amongst us. I can't be certain of this, I stopped reading before it was clarified.

It's an easy-to-read book that does not capture my interest. It is, however, well laid out, with chapter headings to let the reader know the date and location of the current chapter. Some of the locations and people are famous but I don't know them, or don't know them as more than a name. Instead of capturing my interest, this name-dropping is a bit of an annoying distraction.

Perhaps this is a book for literature or history buffs? But not for me. I put it down -- and found I had no interest in picking it up again.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"You're only young once but you can stay immature forever" … per Ginger Meggs


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