Monday, January 31, 2011

The Two Towers / J.R.R. Tolkien

The Two Towers

category: fantasy, author:

J.R.R. Tolkien

book 2 of The Lord of the Rings
original copyright 1954,
read in January 2011 (and before, at least 15 times, since March 1970)

Agamedes' opinion: 10 out of 10

Greatest book ever!

Aside: Before you argue, But what about such-and-such a book... A marketing lecturer once explained that a product may be called -- without argument -- "the best". And that many products -- even very similar, competing, products may also be "the best". It's only if you claim that your product is "better" that you had better be ready to stand up in court to defend your claim. So...

The Two Towers -- and each of the other parts of The Lord of the Rings -- are the greatest books ever! Not (necessarily) better than your own favourites. Just the best!

Yes, I have often read quickly through the adventures of Frodo and Sam as they battle their way to Mordor. It seems just a little bit slow, when compared to the battles and heroism of the other threads of the story.

This time I read just a little slower -- and enjoyed it even more!

Frodo and Sam offer a kind of plodding heroism. Not the eye-rolling, ham-acting, looney-on-the-loose look of the movie Frodo. Just understated, never-give-in heroism. Companionship, unexpected friends, loyalty and good plain hobbit sense.

If you enjoy fantasy -- if you enjoy a good adventure story -- The Lord of the Rings is a must-read.

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
For an independent and thoughtful review of
your processes, problems or documents,
email nickleth at gmail dot com.

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