Monday, January 17, 2011

The Fellowship of the Ring / J.R.R. Tolkien

The Fellowship of the Ring

category: fantasy, author:

J.R.R. Tolkien

book 1 of The Lord of the Rings
original copyright 1954,
read in January 2011 (and before, at least 15 times, since March 1970)

Agamedes' opinion: 9 out of 10

There are two types of people in the English-reading world: those who have read The Lord of the Rings... and those who should have.

In 1970 I was in Europe. Travelling around. With a paperback copy of The Lord of the Rings. I have read that paperback copy many times... many, many times. Now I am (re-)reading a glossy 1970 three-volume hardback, with illustrations by Alan Lee. Yes, illustrations by Alan Lee -- the artist who inspired much of the look of the movie...

So, why am I re-reading the book? It's because I have just re-watched a bit of the movie...

I read a book on the making of the movie. It was fascinating. Enough to make me want to watch the movie (again). As I watched the first half of the first movie -- I decided, it's time to read the books...

The movies are great, they deserve every praise and award that has been heaped on them.

The books are better.

So it's time to read the books again. All in one hit, for a change... After reading all three volumes many, many times, I can now pick up The Lord of the Rings, open it at any page, start reading -- and know exactly what has lead into that point of the story. (I also know exactly what is going to happen next -- and it does not stop me enjoying every word!)

For the last decade or so I have read just parts of The Lord of the Rings. Start anywhere, read till I decide to read a different book.

Now it's time to read the book from go to whoa...

As usual, The Fellowship of the Ring is a bit of a slow starter, so it scores only nine out of ten. This first volume is essential to the book as a whole. It is slightly less gripping than the next two volumes.

One Ring to rule them all... and in the darkness bind them...

What a terrific book!

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
For an independent and thoughtful review of
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email nickleth at gmail dot com.

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