Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Storm Front / Jim Butcher

Storm Front

(category: fantasy)
book 1 of Dresden Files by

Jim Butcher

published by Orbit in 2000
Nick read a library book, in March 2010

Nick's rating: 8 out of 10

Nick's opinion:

Magic in modern-day Chicago... The hero is a wizard in the private eye mold: tough, honest, fair, put-upon. And he's a gentleman who wants to protect the innocent. It doesn't hurt, that the innocent are often incredibly attractive young women. For even more emphasis on Dresden's nice-guy image, one of the attractive women is protecting her two adorable children... Mind you, there are also a lot of young, attractive women who are involved in the sex trade.

I like the fit of magic into modern Chicago. There are magic-user rules which -- in general -- protect non-magic users. When these rules are broken, Karrin of the Chicago police gets very upset. Dresden helps Karrin solve magical murders, while protecting Karrin from magic threats. Not everyone uses magic but there are still strong though minor roles for the non-magicians. One very minor character is a policeman: he is scruffy, cynical, dislikes Dresden -- but is still recognised as being an extremely intelligent cop. See the positive in everyone!

Meanwhile, Dresden meets, argues with and fights against all sorts of magical creatures and forces. These are sort of familiar but uniquely interesting -- characters who are interesting, helpful, scary, threatening -- without being too outlandish. Lots of action, solid plot, good characters, mystery to be resolved, life-threatening climax followed by a happy ending. Enjoyable. Very!


These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.

For an independent and thoughtful review of your processes & documents,
email nick leth at gmail dot com.

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