Monday, January 8, 2024

Hellgate/Exodus, Mel Odom

(#1 of 3: Exodus
by Mel Odom
copyright 2007
read in January 2023
rated 7/10: well worth reading

Seven out of ten, really? Not really... except that I did enjoy it.
Enjoyed it more than I expected -- for a book based on a video game.
The characters are fitted into the game categories: paladin, warrior,
cleric, mage, roguishly uncertain... Yet they are definitely
characters. With motivations, characteristics, some depth.

The book could be fantasy -- demons, magic -- and high-tech weapons.
Or science fiction.
I've labelled it as horror -- for the theme of battle against demons.
And also to warn that there is an awful lot of blood-spattered
violence. But it's not just nasty. The hero does save the mother and
her two little kids :-)

The plot is simple but not boring. And the action is... non-stop.
Mostly involving blood and gore. Video game style.
Right from the front cover it is made clear that this is book one of
three -- good, we are warned. The end of this book is conclusive --
with obvious problems left over for the next books.

An enjoyable book. Good fun... and not entirely mindless.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

"Knowing the direction doesn't mean you have to go." ...

...Dying for you to Read my blog

... (

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