Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Desert Prince / Peter V Brett

The Desert Prince / Peter V Brett
copyright 2021
read in October 2022

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Plenty of fantasy (and science fiction) books follow social trends and provide a strong heroine. Sometimes more than strong, heroines may be as violent and as bloodthirsty as Conan. Equal opportunity regardless of gender.
This book goes a step further.

Princess Olive is a pampered flower, dressed in frills, powdered perfumed and painted. Oh, and learning to fight.
Then she becomes Prince Olive and learns even more about fighting -- and killing. Yet the killing is, mostly, of demons, so not as nasty.
One character. Hero and heroine... extreme equal opportunity.
And it works. Olive -- in both aspects -- is a likeable and sympathetic character.

The action takes place in two main arenas: a benevolent democracy and a macho city of strong men and veiled subservient women. With Olive introducing a small amount of benevolence. Of course :-)

At the start of the book I thought, the world and characters are well introduced. With a few words, new setting and characters are quickly familiar.
As I read on I began to think... Have I missed a book one? There is a lot of back-story. A host of historic characters. Well introduced but... did they have a book of their own?

And then the book ended... with characters lost, needing to be rescued. Villains defeated but ready to return. There is a lot of to be continued... But it doesn't matter. The ending is satisfactory. The main characters are mostly safe (or dead).

An enjoyable book. With a unique main character.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Politicians are like nappies -- just because you've changed the old one doesn't mean the new one's not going to end up being full of crap, too. (adapted from Alfred E. Neuman)

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