Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Teknophage / Neil Gaiman

by Neil Gaiman (not really)

fantasy, comic

copyright 1995
read in March 2021

rated 5/10: readable but only if there's nothing else

I would class this as "fansonly" -- rubbish though fans may enjoy it -- except that I'm not sure who the fans would be. The full title is "Neil Gaiman's Teknophage" but Gaiman's only involvement is to provide a concept. And perhaps half the plot of the first few pages. So, not for Gaiman fans. Perhaps for a subset of comic fans.

There are lots of colourful pictures, quite dramatic. A plot which -- with a complete suspension of critical faculties -- makes some sense. Strange dialogue...

There's a character -- he seems to be a gold robot. He and another character seem to have a history, they speak as though this comic is a continuation of an older story. That could explain the gaps in explanation.

That gold robot... speaks a strange mixture of Cockney and English toff. Whoever wrote the dialogue has no idea. When I accepted it as bad writing it was a lot easier to read.

And then... the whole plot seemed to change. Okay, it made some sort of sense. I skipped to the end to see if it ended sensibly... no. The end -- as far as I can understand it -- is a mishmash of deeply significant but completely unexplained... things. Much like the first half which I had read more carefully. Possibly a happy ending.

If you like comics then this one is, probably, pretty average.

Me? I would rather read or even re-read a good book.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

All we can do is what we can do... Leonard Barrens in The Forever Watch


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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