Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thief's Magic / Trudi Canavan

Thief's Magic
(Millennium's Rule #1)
by Trudi Canavan


copyright 2014
read in January 2020

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Two separate stories here, though there is no confusion as the narrative switches from one to the other. It's also clear that the two stories are in the same universe -- though parallel worlds are soon introduced. The common thread is the operation of magic, and the current situation in each world.

Two world's, two sets of distinct characters, yet a common thread of control and quest for money and power. And a common thread of corruption.

Plenty of threats and near misses, though the main characters survive, relatively unscathed. It's all very exciting, all good fun, no real suffering by either reader or characters. Just the sort of book that I enjoy :-)

The author writes in trilogies, this is book one of a trilogy. This is clear, right on the front cover: "An epic new fantasy adventure begins." I appreciate an honest publisher.

But is this book safe to read by itself? Yes... By the end of this book the two main characters have not even met. Yet I would guess that they are at least -- at last -- in the same world. These two characters are safe but not settled. It is still not even clear what will happen after this one book of what is, essentially, scene-setting.

A book of scene-setting with no obvious overarching evil to be defeated... and yet... I think I can see where this is going. If I read the clues correctly.

This book is enjoyable by itself even though the story is clearly not complete. Barely even begun. Yet with a satisfying conclusion: The main characters have each won through to a point of (apparent) safety. They each have a lot of work to do. And there is clearly an overriding plot, yet to be fully introduced.

By itself, this is an enjoyable book. Better yet, it leaves me looking forward to the next in the series.

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