Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Return / Joseph Helmreich

The Return
by Joseph Helmreich

science fiction, thriller

copyright 2017
read in March 2018

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Alien contact, super-secret organisation, almost believable scientific breakthrough, goodies battling for right rather than might... All the ingredients for a standard science fiction thriller.

The author manages to go beyond "standard".

Almost everyone is lying. The best intentions may lead to bad consequences. What seems like a good idea may be a mistake because of unavoidable or deliberate lack of knowledge. Though a key lack of understanding of aliens is a bit contrived.

The plot is more complex -- and cleverer -- than other thrillers (of the few thrillers that I have read). There are characters rather than stereotypes. The characters are over the top but still believable.

Right from the word go, this book is readable. I wanted to know what would happen, I enjoyed finding out. The ending, however, is a bit disappointing. Not weak... The ending simply reminds me that this is a book about consequences rather than about science and action.

Although... A character at the end thinks, This will be risky, it's never been done before. Yet he is about to do exactly what the new science has been set up to do. And no-one has questioned the risk before... not even the same character who has already taken very much the same risk. A minor quibble :-)

I enjoyed this book, both as science fiction and as a thriller. I enjoyed the focus on misinformation, ignorance and consequences. I was not surprised when I found that this is the author's first novel. Not because there are faults -- but because the unique aspects of this book make me believe that future books will be, even better.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


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