Sunday, March 11, 2018

Crossroads of Canopy / Thoraiya Dyer

Crossroads of Canopy
(#1 of 3: Titan's Forest)
by Thoraiya Dyer


copyright 2017
read in March 2018

rated 7/10: well worth reading

I enjoy reading this book. It's an unusual world but easily understood. Well, easily enough... there are still new aspects introduced almost to the end. All very interesting, fantastic yet logical.

I like the characters. Some are evil, I don't like them! But the majority are sympathetic -- even if they do act against the heroine. They have good -- or at least understandable -- reasons for their actions.

I do feel that some of the characters are unrealistically nice... yet that is something which I enjoy. It means that the story depends on plot rather than on suffering.

The book is a single story thread -- a great relief after struggling with the trend to complex fantasy sagas -- soap operas -- rather than stories. This book has a beginning, a middle and an end. It is book one of a trilogy yet it can be read alone.

On the down side, the end seems a bit rushed. After a reasonably steady development, the ending is a rush of violence. Okay, it makes sense... perhaps I am enjoying the book and wish that it continue for just a bit longer!

I'm looking forward to book #2 :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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"Avoid criticism: say, do and be nothing." … per Ginger Meggs


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