Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Firefall / Peter Watts

by Peter Watts

science fiction

copyright (2006) 2014
part read in December 2017

rated 5/10: readable but only if there's nothing else
(was 7/10: see update at end of review)

Full marks to the author for his up front warning: This is not a new book. It is two previously published books now in one volume. If you have just paid good money for this book, you may have already read book one... so half this volume is old material.

Could be worse... If you bought the first book (published eight years earlier, back in 2006) you would have reached the last page -- and then found that it was not the end of the story. Bugger, eh. Bloody US publisher :-(

I've since discovered that this is common practice, to publish just half of a story in one book -- with no hint that the story is not complete. It's to do with page limits in book binding, apparently. Which is fine -- unless there is no clear statement on the cover -- in which case it is just dishonest publishing.

The book itself.. as far as I read it... is rated as a bare seven. Which includes a bonus positive for the author's warning.

There are at least two themes: first alien contact and integration of brain with computer. (The second theme is, in fact, far more complex than that.) The first theme is interesting. The second is hellishly complicated -- and revealed very slowly.

For various reasons I am currently looking to read books for enjoyment and escapism. This book needs to be read very carefully... analytically... and occasionally with background reading to understand what is being said. It's a hard book to read, far too hard for me. I stopped reading even though I was just a few chapters short of the end of book one.

On the other hand, I believe that the book is actually well worth reading. It's certainly -- as far as I can understand it -- a new take on alien contact. The brain+computer theme is less interesting but far harder to read.

Merging a brain (and a body) with a computer is old hat. Justifying the results in terms of known properties of the brain is more difficult... and that is where I stalled. I stalled, gave up reading but -- again -- I'm not entirely sure that I understand what the author is trying to say.

I *think* this is a good book, with interesting themes well followed. But for *me* -- it is just too complex. Too complex by far.

08nov19: I picked up this book, realised I had read it before, started reading anyway. Did not like the characters, did not enjoy the space flight methods, checked my earlier review. I read for enjoyment. I stopped reading.

The book failed its second test. I think I'll change my rating to 5 out of 10. Readable but only if there's nothing else.

==== Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity." … Amelia Earhart

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