Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Black Prism / Brent Weeks

The Black Prism
(Lightbringer 1)
by Brent Weeks

fantasy, young adult

copyright 2010
read in March 2017

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

Hmm. Just checked my categories. In the list I have "subadult" but not "young adult". Prism is aimed at teenage boys... but not any younger. Too much violence. Too many references to staring at young women's... bodies. All a lot of fun but for "young adult" rather than "subadult".

It's a lot of fun. The plot is either complex or confusing, depending on the reader's opinion. In my opinion: confusing but eventually there is enough explanation.

I would have liked to see a better *conclusion* to this book. It ends with most characters in relatively safe positions, yet the overall situation is highly inconclusive. No to worry, the cover clearly says, "Lightbringer 1". Clearly on the spine, anyway.

The hero -- the teenage boy -- does too much of the annoying, Oh my I am such a fool. Usually just before he does something amazing. Most other characters are over the top amazing. Still, can't complain, it's better than having boring characters.

None of the characters are boring! They may not have much depth but the surfaces are drawn in bold.

It's not great literature. The adventures are (mostly) simplistic and unbelievable. Yes, I know that it's fantasy... I mean, unbelievable in terms of, How did they get away with that?!

It's just a lot of fun. Violent fun. I just switched off my critical faculties. And enjoyed.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"What if the hokey cokey really is what it's all about?!" … poster at a B&B

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