Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Animal Farm / George Orwell

Animal Farm
by George Orwell

fantasy, classic

copyright 1945
read in November 2015

rated 8/10: really quite good

The theme is much the same as for 1984, that socialism leads to despotism and that absolute control of "the masses" is aided by violence and the rewriting of history. Yet Animal Farm is a far better book than 1984...

Animal Farm has sympathetic characters. Poor Boxer :-(  The characters are animals, so they have clearly defined characteristics. Animals are seen to have less innate cruelty than humans, so we give them more sympathy... There is no feeling that the "lower" animals simply get what they deserve !

I've read Animal Farm before, years ago. I hesitated to read it again. Within a couple of chapters, I knew why: it is such a sad story :-( You just know that there will be no happy ending.

In fact -- again, like 1984 -- there is absolutely nothing that the story's characters can do to avert their fate. In 1984 the control is absolute. On the Farm there is control -- and the very nature of the lower animals acts against them. The situation is hopeless. The story is so sad.

The story is also a lesson against... Well, a lesson against trusting those who offer to help you overthrow the oppressors. Animal Farm offers a simple story to show us what could (or what will) happen. 1984 offers less story... and descends into a detailed and rather boring manifesto.

In their intent, the two books are similar. Orwell is remembered for these two books... more for 1984 than the other. Perhaps Animal Farm is seen as too simple, too easy to read... To me, 1984 is a misery, a difficult book to read, with too much non-plot message from the author.

Animal Farm is -- as per the full title -- A Fairy Story. It is easy to read. It draws me in, I suffer with the characters.

Animal Farm is -- deservedly -- a classic. It is really quite good.

Read it.

"Let not the sands of time get in your lunch" ... per Ginger Meggs

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