Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Real Naturals Mushroom Chips

I'm an impulse buyer
On impulse, in Coles,I picked up a small, 32g packet of...
Real Naturals Mushroom Chips
rated 7/10: pleasant with NO unpleasant aftereffects
Eating standard (eg Smiths) potato chips / crisps provides several things:
... a lot of salt
... a yearning for more (largely due to the salt)
... A strong and unpleasant smell on the fingers and lips, that's from the flavour powder that coats the chips. It must include fat because the smell is very hard to wash off
... a slightly greasy feel on the fingers, from picking up the chips.

The main ingredient of the mushroom chips is tapioca starch (standing in for the potato).
flavour comes from shiitake mushrooms, plus the usual sugar, salt, onion etc. No chemicals with complex names.

The chips provide several things:
... not too much salt, no yearning for more. A slight leftover flavour in the mouth
...Not much leftover smell, none at all after washing hands. The packet does say, No palm oil, perhaps that allows the flavours to be water soluble.
... interesting flavour.

If you like the mushroom flavour, these are much better than Smiths potato chips

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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