Saturday, August 24, 2024

Chronux, Sagar Kamath

by Sagar Kamath
copyright 2017
part read in August 2024

rated 5/10 readable but only if there's nothing else

Back in the days when the Beatles were going mystic there was a rich and powerful swami. He lived in luxury, travelled the world, was driven in multiple Rolls Royces. His followers supported him with all of their money, their services, their devotion.
The swami spent his days talking to his disciples. His words were pearls of wisdom. Laced with wonder and hilarious gems. That's according to the brain-washed members of his cult.
To anyone else the swami's words were the incoherent ramblings of a spaced-out idiot.

Chronux is a bit like that swami: to believers it may make sense, there may be a world-shattering message of truth.
Not to me.
The logic of the story makes sense: two best friends become bitter enemies and destroy the world (I think) On their way they visit a series of nasty wars. Some are seen from an anti-American perspective, others are just violent. As far as I can tell, Chronux is a time-controlling monster who wants to trick someone else into taking over his role. There also seems to be some sort of peace-loving swami-style message.

To me, the book is nonsense. Perhaps to the convert  it is the wisdom of the ages.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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