Thursday, May 12, 2022

Sos the Rope, Piers Anthony

Sos the Rope
(Battle Circle #1 of 3)
science fiction
by Piers Anthony
copyright 1968
read in March 2022

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

The story is set post nuclear holocaust. With surviving pockets of technology users... so science fiction. Crossed with fantasy.

The more primitive remnants of humanity live as savages, the necessities of life being provided by the technologists. Life is easy, with formalised fighting to add challenge.

In this peaceful idyll, what is the obvious aim of the primitives? Why, to build an empire of course. Why enjoy a life with physical challenge, relatively peaceful wilderness, all needs catered for... why enjoy life when you could fight to be an emperor. What a miserable idea.

The book is an entertaining romp with a miserable central theme. The book is also embarrassingly dated. With some embarrassing ignorance. Even I know that alcohol and water are infinitely miscible: that is, they mix easily in any relative quantities... whisky and water, anyone? Yet this author thinks that alcohol will float on water.
Then there is his attitude to women.
The hero meets a woman, expects her to make dinner, accepts that there will be sex. She's an idiot, an inferior person.
Then she demonstrates brains. The hero is impressed by her intelligence... so he expects her to cook, clean and be absolutely subservient to him, the (male) hero.

The book is somewhat embarrassing. What is more embarrassing is that I read it and... mostly... enjoyed it.
I've read these books before, years ago. (Even then, there was some embarrassment.) One of the books has a brilliant scene: How can the virile hero save the naked girl from a monster who only eats virgins :-? Even for that scene, I won't re-read the next two books in this trilogy.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The measure of love is to love without measure" ... St Augustine

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