Monday, April 5, 2021

The Food of the Gods / H G Wells

The Food of the Gods
by H G Wells

science fiction

copyright 1904

read in April 2021

rated 9/10: really really good

Okay, I've read books by H G Wells. I know the best ones... so I thought. Then I read this one -- and was absolutely blown away.

This book is the best kind of science fiction: what-if... there were a simple method to encourage the growth of giants? giant everything, including humans. What-if the Food of the Gods were discovered? What would be its effect on individuals -- and on society?

This book is from 1904. The ideas are as valid today.

There's the politician who speaks eloquently, convincingly, logically and to the point... with no regard for fact, no interest in the result of his arguments -- as long as he maintains his majority in Parliament. This politician still exists and is still arguing in Parliament.

There's a throwaway line: The son means everything to the father, the father can never be as important to the son. I'd never before considered it yet it seems to be a self-evident truth.

Civilisation advances by changing. We will resist change, change is inevitable -- and essential for improvement.

This book is full of ideas which are as applicable today as ever.

A book full of ideas. Thought-provoking... and engrossing.

I could say that this is a terrific example of classic science fiction. In fact -- this book *is* a classic of science fiction. Written by a man who, well... invented classic science fiction.

Okay... I almost wrote that it began slowly. It doesn't. The action is low-key. There is a final battle -- with very little detail -- and a lot of small actions which build to an overall major impact on society.

There are plenty of giant vermin. lots of overgrown vegetation. Less than a hundred giant humans. We really only meet the human giants near the end of the book.

Most of our knowledge of the human giants is through one boy -- then man -- who grows up in a small village. We meet some of the people who manage his life and it is not a positive introduction.

This one giant is, well... nice. All of our sympathy for the giants is focussed on this one giant. The other giants seem a bit remote, this one giant is human. I hope for a happy ending for this one character.

Just one character to represent all of the new humans. It works very well.

The entire book works well. The story spans twenty-plus years. The author uses a narrow focus to show a broad picture. The structure works... very well.

I started reading and thought, this is fun. Lightweight and fun.

I read on -- and was gobsmacked.

This is a brilliant book. By a brilliant author.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

... for the greater good ... against the corrupt metastasis of oligarchic power that stomps on humanity's neck everywhere" ... Sacranist creed, Thin Air


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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