Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Wind in the Willows / Kenneth Grahame

The Wind in the Willows
by Kenneth Grahame


copyright 1908
read in January 2021

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

Okay, six out of ten... I enjoyed the book but, well it is sadly dated. The characters are PG Wodehouse country gentlemen. Likeable. The action is fun... but there is so little of it.

Half the book is the pleasure of life and the wonder of the English countryside. I enjoyed that but not enough to rate it as "well worth reading".

The book may have been written for children, it is not a children's book. Unless the children live in the idyllic English countryside of the story's setting. They may then gain extra appreciation of the animals that live there. For other children -- the book is so far out of normal experience that it is confusing.

Older kids, perhaps, who understand that Willows is set in what is now a purely imaginary world.

What did strike me as I read, was the imagery invoked. Not in the style of 1908 illustrations... I kept getting flashes of the Disney movie. I don't even remember seeing the movie... but the images are clear. And when I search the net, yes, there are the images as I "remember" them.

And when I search the net -- I far prefer images from the original, far older, book.

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