Friday, October 30, 2020

Exiles of the Rynth / Carole Nelson Douglas

Exiles of the Rynth
(Sword and Circlet #2)
by Carole Nelson Douglas

fantasy, chicklit

copyright 1984
read in October 2020

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Some friends gave me a box of books. Apparently, their tastes run to chicklit fantasy. Still, this one looks okay, I think.

It is fantasy. It is chicklit. And it is better than just okay.

It's not a complicated plot, though a lot does happen. It's a sequential exploration of various aspects of a society. There are several imprisonments and escapes but the two main characters are never going to be seriously hurt.

Strangely enough, the hero is in a cell thinking that he does not want to tunnel out and -- the very next page -- he has tunnelled out... Is my edition missing a chapter, or is that the way that the story was written? Probably deliberate -- and I like it.

I also like the characters. The hero and heroine skirt around the obvious fact that they are in love. Most characters are quite nice. Some are sneaky but very few are "bad". Threats are from the society and from individuals acting within their society-defined roles.

The more I read, the more I enjoyed. And the more I enjoyed the author's use of language. Odd uses of words which just work. Peculiar turns of phrase which are both clever and weighted with meaning. A pleasure to read :-)

This book is second in a series. There are references to the first book, there are continuing characters -- but the story stands alone. It's a lightweight story covering serious social issues, without banging on about it. If I searched for more in the series it would be because I like the main characters.

And good grief... I just checked... the author has written 63 books! I wonder if they all have a social message, hidden behind enjoyable adventures and delightful characters...

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

"When someone does something wrong, don't forget all of the things they did right." ... anonymous


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