Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Collapsing Empire / John Scalzi

The Collapsing Empire
(Interdependency #1)
by John Scalzi

space opera

copyright 2017
read in October 2019

rated 8/10: really quite good

Space opera. Heavy science, no basis in reality yet internally consistent. In general terms this book is science fiction. More accurately it is high adventure set in space.

Thoroughly enjoyable, too.

The characters are a mixed bunch. Stereotypes have been put in a blender -- with added spice -- and the results are good fun. Traditional gender bias has been reversed -- which could be a problem -- except that it doesn't really matter. A traditional macho role will be "she"... then the story carries on, with no further distinction.

Except that there are more women than men demanding lots of sex. Traditional bias reversed -- but not to make a point. Or, at least, not to make an in-your-face I'm-so-equal-opportunity point. It's just men, women, doing whatever they do best. Sometimes in an unexpected fashion.

There are several -- quite a few -- moments of sudden, unexpected action and violence. The abrupt start of an action sequence seems to be the author's schtick, at least in this book. Nothing wrong with that, the action is essential to the plot.

The plot has several related threads but is not too hard to follow. Characters and plot threads are usually clearly introduced, and re-introduced. With most threads coming together for the grand finale.

And then... the inconclusive end.

I should have noticed: "Book One" is clearly printed on the spine. Even though I missed that, I enjoyed the ending of this book. Yes, the empire is still collapsing, there's lots still to be done. Yet the end provides a satisfactory conclusion to enough of the problems.

Sufficient challenges have been met -- and conquered -- for a satisfying ending. I reached the end and thought, that was good. I also thought, I want to know what happens next. But I did *not* think, nothing is finished.

The book is space opera, lots of fun -- and a satisfactory read even if I never read book two. Good enough that yes, I will be looking for book two... And for book three -- because this is supposed to be a trilogy. It's just a pity that book three has not yet been published.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

So-cratz: "The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing". Ted: "That's us, dude."


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