Monday, October 29, 2018

Weaponized / Zac Thompson

by Zac Thompson


copyright 2017
read in October 2018

rated 5/10: readable but only if there's nothing else

There's a virus which, if you catch it, will either kill you or turn your arm into a giant penis. A penis which squirts deadly acid. That's about the most sensible part of the book.

I have two theories. Either this is a book which is preaching to rebellious teenagers. Or it is simply attempting a direct appeal to horny teenagers. Either way:

Teenagers are being oppressed by adults. In particular, sex is banned. The book is saying, teenagers should have as much sex as they can possibly handle. The adults have one aim, to make money. No matter who they kill to get that money. The book is saying that adults are fat or ugly. Probably stupid. Weird and motivated to evil by their greed.

It is, in fact, a standard teenage rant against the older generation.

The plot flows -- but with little attention to logic. For example, the island is supposedly over-crowded yet there are constant scenes -- such as outside an apartment block -- where there is no-one else in sight.

The author "is best known for his critically acclaimed comic book series..." This book has no pictures but it is very visual. There is more descriptive weirdness than clear storyline. A comic of words. Read it as a "word comic" and the plot style makes sense.

It's self-labelled as horror but the "science" fails. Not the big stuff, that's just "horror science". But when characters enter what is supposed to be a giant vein -- which pumps and pulses regularly -- the vein contains only a trickle of blood. So why is it pumping ? And why does it smell like a toilet ?

I must admit, I read half-way … then skipped to the end. It's "readable" but I'd had enough. I would rather read another book. Or (as it turned out) I would rather do some exercise.

If you're a rebellious or horny teenager this book may appeal. Read it, enjoy it. Just don't think that this is an example of good writing. It's okay -- but not good.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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