Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Sapphire Rose / David Eddings

The Sapphire Rose
(Elenium 3 of 3)
by David Eddings


copyright 1991
read in July 2018

rated 6/10: read to pass the time... but also see below

It's one thing to have heroes who are tough and in control. In Rose, the heroes are tough and controlling. From being assertive, they have become bullies.

This story is a boys' own adventure, with a mother-figure for guidance and a little girl for the oh-so-sweet minor character needing constant protection. Despite the fact that this little girl can obviously look after herself.

The gods are -- except for immortality and super-powers -- very human. That adds an interesting dimension to the book. Though it makes me wonder why anyone would worship any of these gods. Except for the evil god: worship him and there are all sorts of benefits, as long as you also like evil.

Interestingly, the "one god" of the main characters does nothing, never appears, is mentioned only once -- as being fairly useless. Yet the heroes worship him and (so they claim) follow him. Or Him. Even the evil good is "Him" with a capital H.

The first two books of this trilogy have a lot or words -- details of daily interactions -- which add very little to the plot, just adding to our knowledge of the characters. This third book has the same verbiage. This time the words are less characterisation, more reminders of the various characters.

Remember how Maxwell Smart can get a laugh simply by repeating, Missed by that much !? A lot of this book is that same catchphrase-like repetition, except not so funny.

Still, it's an entertaining book. Light, violent, easy to read. Though the verbiage is less distraction and more tedium.

Not as good as the previous two books. Worth reading for its conclusion of the overall story.

Well good grief. I gave up reading -- before I even realised that I had read this book before.
This is what I thought this time:
Tough guys with swords. Clanking and creaking in their armour as they slaughter anyone who gets between them and their fight for right.
There's also the token priestess who rolls her eyes at all the violence.
The story is set in a complex world which is barely explained. Or perhaps I just missed a lot that I could not be bothered memorising... there are too many characters and places to be bothered following.

Just read it as a simple story. Hero is good. His friends are good. anyone they kill is bad.

I admit that I missed book two. Missed as in, did not read. there are enough hints about what happened, I won't look for that book.
This book is good solid fantasy, read it for mindless enjoyment. It does not thrill. It's almost boring and somewhat stupid. With challenges which are solved by decapitation.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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