Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Working Stiff / Rachel Caine

Working Stiff
(Revivalist #1)
by Rachel Caine

chicklit, horror, thriller, fantasy?

copyright 2011
read in April 2018

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

Of course the heroine is incredibly beautiful. Of course she changes her clothes, regularly. Of course she falls in love with a tall dark & handsome hero. After all, this is chicklit :-)

btw, I'm not a chick. I still enjoyed this book.

It's also horror due to the central zombie theme. And it's a thriller because the baddies are all-powerful, all-controlling. Yet, of course, ultimately defeatable. Defeatable? Well, almost. There are two more books in the series...

I also put "fantasy" -- with a question mark. I think that the two categories (or genres) are separate. Horror is fantasy with nasty themes and is usually set in modern times... But that is just my own distinction and I may not be consistent.

So, yes, the story will continue. Yet the ending of this book is quite satisfactory. Mind you, part of that is because the person left in danger -- to be rescued, perhaps, in book two -- is so lightweight that, who cares?! Sure, there are remaining threats -- but I don't care enough about the characters to worry about the lack of a complete ending.

It's an enjoyable book with quite a few interesting ideas. Wide open for more adventures but -- I think -- the horror / science may have reached its limit(*). When I read book two -- I could be proven wrong :-) I look forward to finding out.

(*) Check the Dave Hooper books for an excellent change of the style of conflict between books.

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"Even if a million people repeat the same nonsense, it is still nonsense" … Anatole France (paraphrased)


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