Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Last Wish / Andrzej Sapkowski

The Last Wish
(The Witcher #1)
by Andrzej Sapkowski

fantasy, short stories

copyright 1993
(translated by Danusia Stok 2007)
read in October 2017

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Yes, it's "really quite good". Which would rate it as an eight. If the cover did not claim that this is a "novel".

Novel: "an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events" (Merriam-Webster.com)

This book contains a series of short stories. Ostensibly linked by occasional chapters called "The Voice of Reason". This does
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turn the short stories -- despite their common characters and common fantasy world -- into a "connected sequence of events". It's a book of short stories. I read, hoping for a developing plot leading to a unifying conclusion... and was disappointed. Enough said.

The back cover quotes SFX: "There's a fairy-tale quality..." Do the reviewers at SFX get out much? The entire book is a fairy-tale. A warped fairy-tale. Plenty of the humour is due to the author's turning of well known fairytales on their heads.

It's great fun. the hero is heroic -- and moral. The adventures are action-packed, often bloody, of variable quality but always entertaining. The actual "last wish" of the title is... satisfying? Yet i
 has nothing to do with any of the other short stories. As far as I can tell. Oh, and the author is clearly gaining confidence: he suggests the wish but I can't guarantee that I understood it. Nor am I clear as to why that particular wish -- as I guess it -- managed to solve the final near-disaster.

Oh well.

I enjoyed the book. Yes, it was well worth reading. Yet I finished reading in one rather hurried sitting... simply because if I had not finished quickly I would probably not have bothered finishing it at all.

Overall it is well worth reading, for passing entertainment. A book to be read and enjoyed. Then -- whether finished or not -- put away and forgotten.

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