Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Nagash the Sorcerer / Mike Lee

Nagash the Sorcerer
(Rise of Nagash #1 of 3
in the Warhammer world)
by Mike Lee


copyright 2008
read (in part) October 2017

rated 7/10: well worth reading

This is absolutely over-the-top fantasy. Super heroes, super villains. Hmmm... aside: "heroes"? I don't think that there are "heroines". But the women are incredibly beautiful and the men are incredibly handsome. Or hugely attractive in a rather monstrous way...

The battles are enormous, the smallest stake must be world domination. The gods are involved in every step... but are rather overwhelmed by the villainy of Nagash.

All very enjoyable!

But far too complex for an entry into the Warhammer world.

I read a couple of books from Warhammer 40,000, the science fiction equivalent of this series. I had no idea who the characters were -- but it didn't seem to matter. In this fantasy Warhammer world -- I am out of my depth.

Nagash is a villain who -- as I understand it -- has been the chief villain in several earlier Warhammer books. This book (and two others) provide the complete Nagash history. For those who know this world -- an excellent and probably essential trilogy.

But I am confused. Nagash I soon know. I'm enjoying his history. But who are all these other people? Well known from other books... I guess. But for me -- as a newcomer to Warhammer -- I have no idea. So it makes it just too difficult to find the... significance... of the rise of Nagash.

I'm enjoying the book. Less that one third through. With two books to follow... The full volume is due back on the library in two days. I may read a bit more. But... the book will be returned. Largely unread.

For fans and followers of Warhammer: I believe that it would be an excellent book :-)

For me... as a newcomer... no. This is *not* the book to use as entry to this extremely complex world.

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