Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Oversight / Charlie Fletcher

The Oversight
(clearly intended as Oversight 1)
by Charlie Fletcher


copyright 2014
read in September 2016

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Steam fantasy punk? Victorian England, with magic. There are three sides to the story: good magic users, bad magic users, non-magic users. Oh, and the good but unaligned magic users. And the non-magic users include those who know and those who don't... It's a complicated world :-)

It's a complicated world. And it's clear almost from the start, that this will be book one of a series. Sure enough, the end sets up for a continuing series... a series with several barely related threads. Not to worry, the end is still a solid conclusion to most of the story.

What a pity that "book one" is not mentioned on the cover.

It's fun, though. Characters that I can care about. Too many of them for a single book, that's the downside of being "book one". Some very minor threads which are there only for use in further books.

The writing style is interesting. Somehow simple yet with occasional, entertaining twists in the way in which words are used.

The story is not quite dark. There are threats, there is suffering. Not too much dwelling on the violence, more on the threat and effects of the violence.

And then the heroes stand up, fight back, win the day -- and leave plenty of villains for the next day.

Well worth reading as a standalone book. Could be an entertaining series.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"I'm leaving my body to science fiction" … per Ginger Meggs


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