Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mike and Psmith / P.G. Wodehouse

Mike and Psmith
by P.G. Wodehouse


copyright 1909
read in September 2015

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Okay, I admit it: I started reading this a year ago -- and struggled. I suspect that I was reading a small amount at a time and struggled with the cricket...

This time I read more at a time. The cricket simply fitted in with the flow. And I had a better understanding of the characters, because steady reading allowed facts to stick in my mind.

For whatever reason -- this time it was a very enjoyable read !

When I read the attempted exposure of the bounder who had painted the dog -- I was laughing out loud.

There are very funny parts, but the book is not really a laugh a minute romp. It's more of a pleasant interlude amongst pleasant people, with regular humour. Typical Wodehouse but on the lightweight end of the scale.

I'm not good with publication dates... This seems to be early Wodehouse. It's all about the upper classes. For example:

There's a boy who cleans the boots. And, possibly, sharpens the knives. He exists, has a humorous line or two, is never mentioned before or after. The servants are there -- but not worth a mention unless required for plot development.

Light, enjoyable, possibly early, Wodehouse :-)

"I ink therefore I am." The Existential Squid

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