Monday, July 13, 2015

The Godless / Ben Peek

The Godless
(1 of ...?)
by Ben Peek


copyright 2014
read in June 2015

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Warning: this is book one of who knows how many. Yes, it is... intended to be... the introduction to a continuing saga in a new world.

Not enough warning on the cover. And the book ends with several cliffhangers... No real conclusion.

The story itself is entertaining. The characters -- the main characters, anyway -- are quite likeable. The writing is very confusing.

There's a lot of history to this world. Unique history. The author provides a lot of that history, to help us understand what is happening "now".

Unfortunately, he used flashbacks. Short flashbacks. Mixed in with the "now" action within the chapters.

It is sometimes difficult to decide whether something is happening now... or ten thousand years ago. And yes, there was relevant action, that long ago.

The Godless are really, provably, godless. Their gods killed each other, way, way back. Dig deep enough, in clearly identified spots -- and you will find the rotting body of a dead god... Nothing mystic, nothing allegorical... The Godless are really godless.

It's a good concept.

Since the gods died, various people have absorbed... god essence? Long life, enormous power and, as often as not, bad attitude.

It's an interesting world !

It's a good book... but...

At the end, there is no conclusion.

I hope there are more Godless books on the way.

I also hope that the next book actually reaches a conclusion.

"The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present." -- Hobbes via Watterson

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