Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tengu / Graham Masterton

by Graham Masterton


copyright 1983
read in July 2015

rated 6/10:  read to pass the time

Violence, sex, grue. Secret organisation with all power and no morals. Good guys, bad guys, bad guys who turn good. Hard working police and just one "old" man who knows the secret...

Cover to cover cliche.

Not that that's bad :-)

The gruesome deaths happen to people that we barely know. Or that we don't really care about. There is a small group of sympathetic characters and they survive... Until the big bang at the end, anyway...

A somewhat disappointing end. Almost as though Masterton thought, that's enough, now I'll just. Finish.

"If your plan is for 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years, educate children." Confucius

1 comment:

Nick, Consulting Dexitroboper said...

This needs to be said: the typically indestructible monsters are stupid.

A magician whistles the magic tune and the "dead" monsters come back to "life". Even if they have been chopped up like hamburger meat, they will attack again when whistled.

The monsters that we see have, of course, been shot and hacked to "death". They come back to "life" with bits missing and gaping wounds. Sure, they reanimate. But they don't heal.

The magic tune makes them animate but not regenerate. That will also apply to the minced monsters. Funny, but I'm just not scared by the thought of being attacked by a plastic tray's worth of hamburger meat.