Monday, May 25, 2015

Mind's Eye / Paul McAuley

Mind's Eye
(follows White Devils)
by Paul McAuley

science thriller / science fiction

copyright 2005
read in May 2015

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Science thriller ? Science fiction ? What's the difference ?!

This book claims to be a thriller. And... yes, it's about an apparently ordinary person -- plus a few friends -- versus a seemingly all-powerful secret organisation. Yet it's all driven by almost believable science. Yet it's set today... And the science is ancient -- a sure sign of a thriller.

Science fiction ? Science thriller ? I suspect that the key difference is the target market. Thriller is in, science fiction books are still niche.

No matter ! It's a good book :-)

But what's all that about, "follows White Devils" ?

As far as I can tell -- without having read Devils -- this book follows the same science. With several common characters.

There are references to the past... but no clear statement. Which is very annoying. Though I'm annoyed at the simplistic deception by the publisher, not the author. Mind's Eye stands alone -- but perhaps it would be even better if I had read the first book ?

All by itself, this book is well worth reading. But I do get annoyed when there is no indication that this story follows another. Mind you, it's worse when a book is in the middle of a series and fails to finish...

Enough of the penny ante griping ! What about the book itself ?!

It's a most enjoyable book !

There are a lot of characters who just come, play a part, then go. Surprising how many talented friends and family there are. Especially since the hero is rather reclusive...

Although... on another tangent... is there really a hero ?

There are two potential heroes. Possibly three. They each drive a part of the story -- deliberately, unavoidably or nervously. They interact well... Both as drivers of the plot and as human beings... And I like that.

The three heroes (or heroes/heroine) like each other and support each other. Not always willingly, not always with good grace but... the main thing is... they would not throw each other to the wolves.

James Bond could be a more effective hero. These characters are more likeable. More human. More believable.

The plot is straightforward, linear. The action is adventurous -- on the edge of unbelievable. The science is... well, I'd believe it more if it came out of a secret mind control lab -- rather than from ancient cave art ! Still, the origin of the science is essential to the plot. And it does make it more science thriller than science fiction.

Oh, and you know the way that a science thriller always destroys the only source of the super prehistoric science ? As a cover story for why we haven't actually heard of it before ? Well...

Mind's Eye has a far better ending.

The final confrontations, then the afterword wrapup -- are excellent.

A good book. With a better class of ending.

Well worth reading.

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