Thursday, April 10, 2014

Toilet Tours / Cloning Around

Toilet Tours:

Cloning Around

Collusion ? Conspiracy ? Or simply Cloning ? You be the judge !

In a separate post I described the unique features of two timber toilets: unique features yet suspiciously shared. Was this collusion of design ? Copyright theft ? Or is there a more sinister explanation: illegal and undeclared Cloning. Irrefutable evidence is presented below.

At Blanket Bay Beach we had no suspicion of the evidence which we were about to uncover. Yes, there were "very similar" timber toilets at the campsites of Blanket Bay and Ryan's Den. Yet the block at the beach of Blanket Bay presented no evidence of further toilet block clones:

Now note the toilet block at Cape Otway:

Compare the photos above with that of the toilet block at Aire River:

Secretive authorities may deny the similarities. In a sensible precaution against the power of these bureaucratic and powerful "government" agencies, I did not dare ask the question. Yet consider:

  • A series of semi-detached cubicles, each with its own swinging and locking door.
  • The raised roof, offering protective deflection of airborne observation.
  • The storage tanks at the end -- directly adjoining identical steel handbasins !
  • The colours, deliberately changed in a pathetic attempt at colour inclusivity !

Now look at the toilet block below. Is this a second photo of the Aire River toilets taken from a different position ? Or is this a government denied clone ! You be the judge ! The evidence is there, in clear black and white ! Or, well, colour:

And now I can present absolutely incontrovertible evidence of a secret plot to clone toilets. Evidence which the government has never released ! Evidence which it would cover up, if it dared, or if it cared ! Compare each of the three photographs below. Three photographs which the unnamed "government agency" will do all in its power to remove from public view. Three photographs which, taken together, provide absolute proof of the cloning cover-up conspiracy and of the cloning conspiracy cover-up:

Photo 1: Johanna Beach, toilets by the carpark.


Photo 2: Johanna Beach, scientists actually in the process of producing a clone ! (Apologies for the photo quality, we were in fear for our lives. If it were known that we were able to photograph the actual cloning procedure, "the agency" would exert all of its efforts to destruction of the photographic evidence.)

Photo 3: The cloned toilet block. Just 500 metres from the clone-donor. Why so close ? And why place the clone near a separate carpark ?! What is the "government" trying to hide at Johanna Beach ??

Any government agency would refuse to answer our questions; there would be a blanket denial of knowledge, if we dared to ask. Yet the evidence is plain to see.

Toilet blocks are being cloned across the southern coast of Victoria. No beach is safe. Our only safety is in absolute ignorance and unquestioning acceptance of the status quo. We must not act now, before it is too late.

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
For an independent and thoughtful review of
your processes, problems or documents,
email nickleth at gmail dot com.

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