Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Out of Time / Samantha Graves

Out of Time

category: romance, author:

Samantha Graves

follows on from Sight Unseen
original copyright 2008,
read in Jul 2011

Agamedes' opinion: 7 out of 10

If you like romance -- this is romance. Add some paranormal powers, bad guys who won't hesitate to kill. Love, lovers and betrayal. And a hero and heroine who fall in bed and then fall in love -- despite their own best efforts.

Yes, it's a romance :-) And very enjoyable.

The hero is so macho that every right-thinking girl will swoon. All he needs is the softening influence of "the right woman" to help him understand that yes, there is good in the world.

The heroine is beautiful, strict and boring. With the ability to kick butt, thanks to a short course in self defence. All she needs is a macho hero, to help her realise that she is as good as anyone else in the world. And possibly better.

The hunt is on, for the priceless ruins of a pre-civilisation... Ruins which contain the secrets of anti-gravity, free and unlimited power, a cure for every disease... You know, the usual things that destroyed pre-civilisations all got up to.

Yet the author realises that all the best science did not save that civilisation. Nor would it save our own. Yet when the ruins are, as usual, destroyed... there is still hope that some of the scientific breakthroughs will be retrieved.

Typically, amazing ruins and unbelievable discoveries are destroyed, in a smoke-and-flame filled climax. All evidence is destroyed... but not in Out of Time. Thank goodness for a break with tradition!

As far as I can tell (without reading the first book) this book stars the "quiet" sister of the woman who starred in Sight Unseen. Paranormal abilities and a penchant for adventure run in the family.

I hope there are more relatives yet to star in their own books.

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