Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Left Hand of Darkness / Ursula K. Le Guin

The Left Hand of Darkness

category: science fiction, author:

Ursula K. Le Guin

original copyright 1969,
read in Jun 2011 (and before, in about 1972)

Agamedes' opinion: 4 out of 10

I read this years ago. Back then, I devoured science fiction... I read so fast that I often could not remember the names of the author... I read and enjoyed -- or not -- and moved right on to the next book. Perhaps that is why I have no negative memories of The Left Hand.

This time -- it's boring.

From the blurb, this book "poses [questions] about sexuality, gender roles and the organisation of society". Yes, that's the way I remember it. This time, though, I seem to be struck by a heavy dose of cynicism.

The planetary setting is both freezing cold and populated by hermaphrodites. As I read it, the lack of wars is due to the hermaphroditism of its inhabitants: because they spend most of their time as neuters, they do not have the testosterone drive to start wars.

On the other hand, at least one of the hermaphrodites is doing its best to start a war. And politicians in two countries are responding, slowly but definitely. So much for a testosterone-free peace zone.

What about the weather? When snow and freezing are the norm, perhaps survival takes precedence to war. Does Le Guin examine that idea? Not that I can see.

What we're left with is an alien-contact novel, with politics. The politics are -- to me -- boring. And the alien contact is... strange.

Okay, nice idea to send in one person to make initial contact. Minimum impact, minimum loss if it fails. But why not send in someone who knows what they're doing?!

I get the distinct impression that the sole human representative has had no training other than some notes on the current society. He seems -- to put it bluntly -- to be clueless.

I started reading this book about two months ago. Put it down to read other books. Continued reading. Went on holiday and chose to not take this book with me. Now I lack the inclination to continue. Almost at the three-quarter mark -- and I've had enough.

Yes, yes, I know that I'm quitting before the sex scene... When these people go into heat -- once a month -- they take on the sexual characteristics to mate with whoever else is also in heat. So if one becomes a male then the next will become female. The Earth human male is now isolated with a local hermaphrodite about to go into heat...

Surprise, surprise -- we didn't see that coming, did we?!

I read the book years ago. I suppose I reached the end that time. Once is enough.

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