Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Dreaming Void / Peter F. Hamilton

The Dreaming Void

category: science fiction, author:

Peter F. Hamilton

book 1 of Void
original copyright 2007,
read in October 2010

Agamedes' opinion: 4 out of 10

When I say, above, "read in October 2010" I mean, I attempted to read this book. Years ago I would read and finish each and every (fiction) book that I started. Now, if a book makes no sense -- I give up.

The Dreaming Void makes no sense.

To confirm my guess -- as to why this book makes no sense -- I searched for some reviews. And found this: "this is one of the later books in a series which keeps referring to events and people that are alluded to in earlier volumes." Yes, that's what I thought... the book makes no sense if read by itself. From that same review: "buy every book this man writes and read them in order. Rather than write a 10,000 page book, Peter Hamilton has broken it up into many volumes..."

Alternatively: don't bother trying to read The Dreaming Void. It makes no sense.

This does introduce a difficulty with my rating scale.

I rate The Dreaming Void as "4: bad but could be read." But the book is not really "bad", it's just not worth reading -- by itself. Perhaps this book would improve if you have, in fact, read all of Hamilton's books in order... But -- somewhere back in the past -- I do seem to remember reading another Hamilton book. With the same result: complex, boring, unreadable.

Oh well. I read 'em, I rate 'em, I review 'em. And I recommend that you don't bother reading this one.

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
For an independent and thoughtful review of
your processes, problems or documents,
email nickleth at gmail dot com.

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