Friday, April 9, 2010

Fool Moon / Jim Butcher

Fool Moon

(category: fantasy)
book 2 of Dresden Files by

Jim Butcher

published by Orbit, original copyright 2001
Nick read a library book, in April 2010

Nick's rating: 8 out of 10

Nick's opinion:

I do enjoy these Dresden Files books!

This is the second in the series. In the first (Storm Front) there is magic, violence and a lot of sex. In Fool Moon, there is more magic, some sex and a lot of violence -- especially violence to Harry Dresden, the hero. And every chapter ends with, "... oh dear... this looks like the end for me!" An author learning his trade? No worries: Butcher began well and was still able to improve.

The hero is a true good guy. He believes in using his powers for good, protecting the weak, saving damsels in distress. Most of the damsels are attractive and the men are handsome. Interestingly, though, even the overweight, suspicious, less attractive characters have their good points... Even the murderous killer has an understandable motive.

Then there's the female werewolf who loves the mad killer and looks after the younger werewolves: I just love the final explanation of her origins!

I've read four Dresden books in the last few weeks. And I'm still looking forward to reading the next. An excellent series of books!


These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.

For an independent and thoughtful review of your processes & documents,
email nick leth at gmail dot com.

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