Sunday, July 23, 2023

Warlord of Mars, Edgar Rice Burroughs

Warlord of Mars, 
(Barsoom #3
by Edgar Rice Burroughs

copyright  1914
rated 7/10: well worth reading

Look. That's *my* rating. 
As a recommendation to others it could be 6/10, read to pass the time. But*I* enjoyed this book.
Not least because I've been waiting *decades* to find out what happened after A Princess of Mars.

At the end of Princess the incomparable Dejah Thoris is trapped behind a door which opens only once each year -and -- oh no! she may be dead!

Finally... I find out. Though it takes half the book to catch a glimpse of her. Phew!

Meanwhile, John Carter has been busy. Is there really only one book between Princess and Warlord?! I may need to re-read Princess to see how much happened in that book.
By the start of Warlord, Carter has defeated and/or made allies of tribes of the Green Men and two nations of Red Men. He has defeated the ruler of the Black Men and been offered the Black throne. He has destroyed the Mars-wide religion of the White Men. His son has hatched. Various jeddaks including his son have raised armies, set off to do good -- and disappeared. Now Carter meets the Yellow Men: defeats some and allies with others.
Yes, the various races of Mars are colour-coded for convenience. Though with not much basis on Earth colours, as far as I can tell. Each race it unique, a mix of good and bad -- and very Barsoomian.

The plot is ... weak. Straightforward. Muscles rather than brain. With an awful lot of lucky overhearing of vital information
It's ridiculous... and it is very enjoyable :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


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