Wednesday, January 5, 2022

She who became the Sun / Shelley Parker-Chan

She who became the Sun
by  Shelley Parker-Chan


copyright 2021
read in January 2022

rated 6/10: read to pass the time.

In the author's thank-you section she tells of one person who argued that at least one of the male characters should be a decent human being. It's possible that one was. That would be the man who destroyed his brother. An unusual definition of "decent".

The story is set in 14th century China. It's a world of war, casual violence, betrayal and male domination. Or, more correctly: female subservience and absolute control by anyone with power... I wonder if today's China is any different.

The "hero" is a woman pretending to be a man. Her life is dedicated to pursuit of her destiny of "greatness" by which she means, absolute power. At any cost. She is an unpleasant and unsympathetic person.

It's interesting to read the descriptions of beauty: very non-European. As a book with a "different" perspective I originally rated it as seven. Having written the review -- remembered how much I dislike the characters -- it's only a six.

Oh, and it is "to be continued". Usually, that really annoys me. With this book, I don't really care... The end is conclusive enough and I don't care what happens next.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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Stay cool but stop at frostbite" ... per Ginger Meggs


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