Thursday, December 10, 2020

Amberlough / Lara Elena Donnelly

by Lara Elena Donnelly


copyright 2017
started reading December 2020

rated 5/10: readable but only if there's nothing else

The book is set in an imaginary world. I can't help thinking, a decadent era in a major European city. The back cover mentions Weimar-era Berlin. Imaginary city and country names equals fantasy... That is the only element of fantasy so far.

Various characters are miserable, sad, rude, cruel, name a negative trait. Their interactions are equally strained. There are several possibly sympathetic characters, characters with whose situation I can sympathise. But not like.

There is not a single character that I like. I have no interest in what happens to any of them. (After 70 pages it is, nothing pleasant so far.)

I stop reading. I have better books to read.

If miserable characters in a miserable world don't put you off, this is a well-written book. Not very interesting but well-written. It's not rubbish. It's just an unpleasant book which I do not want to read.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

"When someone does something wrong, don't forget all of the things they did right." ... anonymous


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