Wednesday, July 1, 2020

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing / Hank Green

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
by Hank Green

science fiction

copyright 2018
read in June 2020

rated 8/10: really quite good

The heroine is a rather likeable character -- with flaws. Some of the flaws -- which she admits, in this first-person account -- almost make me dislike her. Mainly, she gets caught up in the world of self -promotion.

I'm tempted to label this book as "dystopian". Can a book be dystopian when it is set firmly in today's First World world?

If it is dystopian then it is of the best kind -- with an overall positive view of the human inhabitants. That view, I suspect, is the main point of the book: the heroine gets caught up in all the negativity yet there is an enormous amount of surrounding positivity.

As for the heroine herself -- the end is unclear. It does seem to be a happy -- or at least satisfying -- ending. But is there more? It's hard to tell...

"What happens next" is wide open, this does not matter. This is a book about a process, a journey. Where does the journey lead? It hardly matters because the journey itself is so interesting.

In general I prefer a story where the author provides a clean, clear and definite conclusion. If the author has no ending, the story is a waste of time. In this book -- the journey, by itself, is sufficient.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.
"Are you one of those people who think wallowing in unhappiness and bad luck is the same as toughing it out?" … Ononoki


02jun21: I found this book, started reading it again. My immediate thinking is, I really like these main characters :-)

Just not enough to continue reading.

I have vague memories of an enjoyable book. Lots still to happen. Some conflict, possibly some action.

I read my review above. No ending? Okay, I'll stop reading, just a few pages in. It's a positive review. Today, though, I want a beginning, a middle -- and an end. A story. Lord of the Rings, for example. Which, yes, I am now re-reading. An excellent book. Just what I want to read :-)

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