Friday, January 24, 2020

The Last Namsara / Kristen Ciccarelli

The Last Namsara
(Iskari #1)
by Kristen Ciccarelli


copyright 2017
read in January 2020

rated 9/10: really really good

31mar23: I read a page or two... thought it was familiar... and yes I had read if already. Long enough ago that I had only vague memories of what happened. And that's as good as reading a new book.
Over a few years, my opinion of a book may change... I'm in a different mood, looking for different things, whatever.
For this book -- my enjoyment is exactly the same...
Action and violent adventure. Sweet love. Satisfying ending with more to come. At the end of the book... I am left smiling :-)

My original opinion is the same:

First point. I enjoyed this book. That's the key measure of my rating :-)

More than that, this book is different. The dragons are different. The characters problems are different. The world is new... though fairly standard. The politics -- past, present and future -- are unexpected. For me. It feels quite realistic.

I almost categorised the book as chicklit... but it's not. It is definitely written from a female viewpoint, it's all about a heroine and yes, she does regularly change clothes. But it's not chicklit.

This is a story for anyone, it just happens to have a strong female lead. She does go all warm and fuzzy near the male lead character -- but it's the man who is captured, beaten, held hostage against the heroine's good behaviour.

It's a great fantasy story where the lead character just happens to be female. Yes, she's tough yet the male villain is physically stronger. It all seems quite natural, no-one is forced into a "counter gender" role.

Then the book ends -- very satisfactorily. Yes, the battle for freedom and unity has barely begun. There is a lot more to do -- I expect there are more books in the series. Yet I am able to finish the book and feel, that was a very satisfactory ending.

(Okay, I search the web and find that there are two more "Iskari" books. Good :-)

Okay, it's a "girl and boy finally get together" ending but I like that :-) It feels good, it wraps up the current conflict, there is more to do but it is not an annoying cliff-hanger.

The book rates a clear 8/10. For the sheer pleasure as I read the last pages... definitely nine out of ten.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"[The] truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is." ... Winston Churchill


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